#Hashtags, The Gartner Marketing & Communications Podcast

Is D2C Right for Your Brand?

Episode Summary

The direct-to-customer route is a tantalizing opportunity for brands to deliver incremental revenue and profit, but it isn’t the right fit for everyone. CMOs must answer: “How do I determine if selling direct to customers is right for my brand?”

Episode Notes

In this episode, Gartner analyst Ant Duffin discusses how CMOs can decide if D2C is the right strategy for brands based on the strength of the Three Ps — Purpose (why), Potential (how) and Priority (what). The discussion will provide CMOs with strategic D2C guidance as to whether they should start, shift or stop D2C depending on that assessment.

Ant Duffin is a Senior Director Analyst in the Gartner for Marketing Leaders practice covering digital commerce.

Ant advises on digital commerce business transformation across the end-to-end value chain, including digital marketing, multichannel ecommerce, business capabilities (talent, partners and martech), and cross-functional enablement (i.e., IT, HR, supply chain).

Ant has over 15 years global digital consumer/brand experience across a range of industries including CPG, retail, UK government and automotive.